Dollars and Sense for Nonprofit Success
Business Development Consulting & Executive CoachingCharitable & Special Interest Groups
By email: 24/7/365; by phone normal business hours any day of the week: please leave a message.
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Not Applicable: in-person meetings are arranged for and conducted at clients' sites.
About Us
Lea Ann launched Dollars and Sense in 1997 with the goal of assisting small- and medium-sized nonprofits in the Chicago area in achieving their fundraising goals. Starting as a grant strategist, she has expanded her skill set to guide capital campaigns, build operating endowments and design multi-channel revenue strategies. Since the founding of the firm, she has worked with more than 200 individual clients in civic engagement, P-18 education, the arts, environment, social services and health care.
She manages a national portfolio which allows her to travel throughout the country sharing best practices in making it possible for donors to make their dreams for society come true by partnering with the nonprofits they trust to implement missions these donors value.

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